Thursday 26 February 2015

One year into Happy as Charley - what's next?

I'm now well and truly out of my first year of blogging, although there have been ups and downs in terms of my posting I think I've done averagely. I must admit when I re-started this blog in January 2014 I half expected it to be gone again by summer! 

So now I'm into my second year, where am I going from here?

♥ Post more regularly. Yes, yes I know, this is what everyone and their dog says but I'm going to make real effort to be more consistent with posts this year. I now have better space to take pictures so hopefully this'll be a motivation for me. Once I get into the habit I think thing's will flow better.

♥ What will my posts consist of? When I started this blog, I did highlight a few areas I'd like to focus on in terms of posts. I think I hit the majority and generally this will stay the same. I enjoy the 'journeys far and wide' feature (need to make a mental note to visit more places) and of course the outfit posts, Instagram roundups and wish lists will continue. I'd like to start sharing more in terms of hauls - one of my favourite things to do when I've bought something new is to show it off, but there's only so many times Nick can feign interest in a pair of black boots so once I've got a good space to take pictures I'd like to do more posts on this. I also want to start doing more food related posts as I'm cooking and baking a lot more of late, so hopefully I'll find time to get my camera into the kitchen shortly! One of my new years resolutions was to take more pictures, which I have been trying, but I hate being the annoying one harping on about getting photographs of everyone and everything! But I'm still trying in terms of documenting weekend adventures etc.

I've enjoyed having this little area of the internet to post to more than I thought I would! It's nice to have somewhere to come and be completely girly and less serious. I think my main goal for Happy as Charley in 2015 is for me to ramp it up in terms of posts as well as trying to make time to be more active in the blogging world.

Until next time :)

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