Monday 11 May 2015

Wedding Outfit Ideas #2

♥ Dress - Chi Chi Georgia Dress (honestly, Im'm in love) - here

♥ Shoes 1 - eBay - here

♥ Shoes 2 - BooHoo Helen Cuffed Ankle Two Part Heels - here

♥ Shoes 3 - Faith Litchfield Navy Metallic Heeled Sandals via ASOS - here

♥ Shoes 4 - eBay - here

I've already spoken about the two weddings I'm going to this summer. I've posted my ideas for the first wedding here, from when I bought my dress in the ASOS sale earlier in the year. Honestly, since then I've been looking for the dress to wear for the second wedding on a weekly basis. The first wedding was relatively easy to plan for as it's a conventional, inside, sit down dinner, disco / band later on, hometime wedding. However, the second is Nick's brothers, it's in a garden in the middle of summer and I'm going to the registry office with them at 10am in the morning and will be in said wedding outfit until I go to bed at around 1am that night. That's a 13 hour outfit!!

So far, it's been one of those occasions where I know exactly what I want, just, sadly, no one's made the dress yet! I had my heart set on a long, navy dress (which would be practical and pretty for an outdoors wedding) with something going on that made it a little different from just a 'long navy dress', maybe a sneaky slit up the skirt, or maybe it would be backless, or perhaps it would have a few delicate bits of sequining on the arms. My inspiration is Kate Middleton, who I personally think wears long, formal dresses perfectly. She doesn't look OTT, like a celebrity at a film premier trying to break any fashion ground, she always has a certain air of relaxed glamour and she is just effortlessly classic. Please see below for pictures evidence...

(Disclaimer: obviously I would never look like this because she is perfect)

I thought there would definitely be a market for this sort of dress as K-Middy is England's national treasure. But no! I couldn't find anything. I'm sure if I had Kate's budget I'd be able to find the perfect dress but as I'm a poor(ish) gal it's not going to happen.

So I changed tact and, I still wanted navy but opted for knee length instead, I wanted a skater style dress but chiffon skirt rather than anything with structure. And I found this lovely dress from Chi Chi London. I've not heard of them before but I came across some of their other designs on ASOS, they do a lot of similar dresses in a range of colours so if you're looking for an occasion dress then I'd check them out. Although, I've not actually ordered and tried it on yet so I can't comment on the fit or quality but for £75 I'd hope for it to be pretty good.

Now the decision is just whether to go for rose gold or navy sandals.... argh!

Until next time :)

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