Wednesday 24 September 2014

Wardrobe Overhaul #2 : The Colour Palette

One thing I did before beginning my wardrobe overhaul was read a few other blogs and articles on the topic. The one I found most helpful was this one by Audrey at Putting Me Together. I hadn't come across her blog before but when I was looking for help via Google, I felt she provided the most relatable guide. A lot of the advice given on other blogs were more aimed at people wanting to make their wardrobe more "on trend", which I felt wasn't solid enough for me. I'm not looking for a more 'fashionable' wardrobe, I'm to build up a wardrobe full of staple pieces that of course, can support trends, but with a backbone that I can rely on regardless of what ever the seasons key looks are.  

Before now, I never really thought of a wardrobe / fashion as being a conscious decision. I mean it never crossed my mind to go into H&M for example, and pick something up that I liked the look of but then put it down because it wouldn't fit in with my style. I don't want to be too prescriptive but I think it's a good way to start for me because I'm sucker for just buying things I like without actually thinking it through. Audrey gives great tips in her series but what really stood out to me was the idea that it's ok to have a pre-defined colour palette that influences your fashion choices. Obviously if you see something you fall in love with that's out side of that colour palette you can (and should!) still buy it. But the idea of having structure is one thing I'm loving.

So as we're now coming up to the colder months my colour palette is very much geared towards winter. When spring rolls around, I think I'll be developing a summer palette as well but for now the  colours I've chosen are winter appropriate (and will probably come as no surprise what so ever)...

Audrey talks about how to chose your colour palette in quite a lot of depth so if you are interested then I suggest reading her series thoroughly. Basically she says you should chose a couple of neutrals and two or three "accent colours". I cheated slightly and chose three neutrals because I'm just that wild. My accent colours are ones I'm naturally drawn to, and would happily wear throughout the year if it were more appropriate but if I did I would be immediately outed as the winter lover I am!

So, I now have a bzillion items of clothing for sale on eBay and I'm ready to start rebuilding my wardrobe! There's probably more things I will get rid of as and when I start buying more new additions - if I got rid of everything I didn't want to keep at this stage I would probably only have about five outfits left.

Until next time :)

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