Saturday 1 November 2014

Guess who's back... back again...

Hello again blogging world, remember me? I thought not! It's been well over a month since I last posted (wardrobe overhaul went well, thanks) which has been down to one reason really. I don't want to get too heavy and serious here, as after all this is meant to be a place where I share whimsical things such as fashion, beauty and life but sometimes we all just need a good serious conversation to blow out the cobwebs. 

So, although this blog isn't in any way more than an occasional hobby for me, I've really felt quite disenchanted with the whole blogging / Youtube / social media world for the past month or so, which is why I haven't posted since the end of September. Honestly, I'm fed up with reading the same old stuff on blogs, seeing the same sponsored videos on my Youtube feed and I was generally feeling a bit peeved that a form of original expression (i.e. blogging / Youtubing / creating) has been ultra commercialised over the past year or so. I know it's been going on for years but I feel like it's kinda hit a high over the past few months and it put me off contributing. I'm in not talking about any one person and I want to be 100% clear, I don't begrudge anyone for being able to forge a successful career out of a hobby. But for me, as a reader and viewer I was beginning to get bored of the content I was seeing and disappointed in the direction the whole community has taken. And as a result, I genuinely just wasn't interested posting here. But, I've had a bit of a break (during which I did miss certain aspects of having this little space to post to!) and feel a bit more motivated and inspired. I've found some new bloggers to read as well as Youtubers (but I still have my old faves) which has given me a fresh outlook. As well as this, Nick sort of talked me back into posting again the other night which I thought was very sweet because I didn't think he'd really give two hoots whether I was blogging or not!

So, I'm back posting again and hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things. This is probably quite a good time of year to blog as the countdown to Christmas is now on!! I looooove Christmas and the winter months (as I have talked about before) so there'll be lots of little adventures and photo ops up ahead :)

Also I'm going to a Halloween party tonight so I'll report back on that later in the week.

Until next time :)

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