Thursday 18 September 2014

Wardrobe Overhaul #1

We all know the feeling of opening your wardrobe doors and feeling completely disenchanted with everything staring back at you. It happens. It's normal. And usually it's not really a big deal in the grand scheme of life. However, at the moment I feel completely uninspired every time I open my wardrobe. 

I don't know what to wear when I go out for a meal with Nick, I don't know what to wear when I go for casual drinks with my friends, I don't know what to wear for nights out, and I don't even know what to wear on a day to day basis (and by day to day, I mean weekend to weekend as I'm surprisingly ok for work wear). 

So I'm on a mission - a wardrobe overhaul mission. I've already started putting things on eBay so now I just need to start thinking about what I want my new wardrobe to look like. I've been mentally making lists of reasons of what specifically is making me feel like this about my current wardrobe and I've come up with the following:

- Too many patterns: Seriously, there are patterns everywhere. Don't get me wrong, I loooove patterns (mainly florals) but it's got to the stage where nothing compliments each other, and there's just too much going on. When I open my wardrobe I'm just confronted with a mass of colour and patterns that just don't go together and it's overwhelming! I also think that patterns can sometimes make you look a bit childish. I know this isn't the case all the time - and I'm definitely not giving up my florals, but it is something that I need to be wary of.

- Sale items: I'm a sucker for a sale. I used to be a firm believer in shopping mainly in sales purely because I didn't have much money and the thought of buying one really nice dress for £40 when I could get 4 for £10 each in the sale just didn't compute. I don't know whether it's just because I'm a bit older and have the luxury of earning a decent wage, but now I'd much rather have the one dress for £40 and know it was going to be a long standing addition to my wardrobe. Having said that, I do still automatically go to sales racks and obviously you can find some absolute gems on them, but I really need to only buy sale items that I know I will actually wear and that will ultimately compliment my wardrobe. 

- Lacking separates: I would confidently say that about 75% of my wardrobe is made up of dresses. Don't get me wrong, I am a dress lover but in the past this has been somewhat down to the fact I just didn't want the hassle of thinking about what skirt/trousers to wear with what top/shirt/jumper. I want to start buying more separates that will give me more options. I'm in no way going for a "capsule" wardrobe, but you can mix and match separates which obviously creates so many more options when it comes to outfit planning. 

- Lacking in sophistication: I think this point is basically the conclusion that can be drawn from the preceding three points. I want a more grown up wardrobe. When I go out, I want to feel comfortable and confident. I don't want to lose the core of my style - which is florals, polka dots, floaty dresses and pretty collars but I want to make sure that when I buy something I feel confident and comfortable in it (and not like a child), and also be certain that I've got a number of options for that item. 

The next 'instalment' of this series will be about the colour palette I'm going to be going for and what sorts of items are on my list of 'must haves'.

For now, I will leave you with three women who I feel mix cute, girly yet sophisticated to perfection:

Who are your style inspirations?

Until next time :)

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