Monday 22 September 2014

The Cat Collection #4

The next instalment of my cat collection comes in the form of this Topshop dress. I bought it a good year ago and to be quite honest I haven't worn it as much as I should have for the money it cost! If I remember rightly it was around the £30 mark, which if you ask me is pretty steep for what is essentially a cheaply made jersey dress.  But - I'm not going to lie - I bought it purely for the kitty cat on the top half. And as with my previous cat collection post, I really did try and resist this one. I saw it numerous times in store before I finally caved and bought it. I think it was when I went in one day and noticed it wasn't in its usual location that I got a bit worried that I'd missed my chance, so when I saw it had just been moved around I jumped at buying it. I almost wish that cutie pie face were on a cushion because I would get more use out of it! 

Anyway, I did actually wear the dress the other day - I found it lurking in my wardrobe when I was having a clear out and decided I wasn't ok with getting rid, so made a promise to myself to wear it. I just wore it for a casual day shopping with my friend, and that's definitely what it's perfect for. Thumbs up to Topshop on this one!!

Until next time :)

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