Monday 15 September 2014

The Cat Collection #3

Cat shaped mug = mug perfection.

This is a rather new addition to my cat collection - I saw it in Urban Outfitters (it is still in my local store,  but sadly it is sold out online) a couple of weeks ago and although it was love at first sight (as with all my cat paraphernalia), I didn't buy it immediately because I was unsure as to what I'd do with it and I'm trying with all my might to stop spending quite so much money on nick-nacks such as this. However, after trying and failing to put it to the back of my mind, I went back in to the store the other day and bought it. By this point I'd convinced myself that I'd thought of a good use for it...


I've recently bought some new make up brushes and thought this little dude would be perfect to store them in! So yes, my purchase has now been satisfactorily justified!

Until next time :)

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