Thursday 4 September 2014

Say hello to Autumn

I'm pretty sure there will be a million and one posts of this nature now we've reached September - I know I've started to see a few on my bloglovin' feed - but I bloody love Autumn. Seriously. Don't get me wrong, I love Spring and I enjoy Summer (although it is my least favourite season - apart from the fact that it's holiday time!) but Autumn and Winter are where my heart truly lies. Although when I say Winter, everything after January the 2nd until March is pretty crap. If you ask me that's why Valentines Day and Pancake Day were invented. To perk up the crapness of those months.

I just love it when the nights draw in a bit, and the weather turns crisp and just a tad more chilly so and the fire gets put on and the proper slippers come out. And cups of tea begin warming your cockles again (rather than just making you a hot mess because it's the middle of summer and you're already boiling but you still don't want to give up your cuppa). It's not just the fact that there's Halloween, bonfire night and of course, Christmas and New Year in these months, it's just everything about them. I can whole heartedly say that from now, until the beginning of January is my absolute favourite time of the year. Also, on a side note, by now I'm well and truly sick to death of trying to find summer appropriate clothes in my wardrobe. If you ask me, Autumn and Winter are so much easier, and more fun to dress for.

Things I'm looking forward to this Autumn/Winter:
Halloween - Nick's brother turns 30 in late October and is having a Halloween party to celebrate. I am so excited! I love an excuse for fancy dress, and now I'm well out of university, Halloween is my only excuse. I'm torn between forcing Nick into going as some sort of cheesy couple/double act and going as a Living Dead Doll!
Bonfire Night - I LOVE FIREWORKS. And toffee apples.
Netball season starting - yes I am a geek. I haven't played any competitive netball over the summer so by now I'm missing it!
Shopping - no need to explain.
CHRISTMAS - also no need to explain.
Panto - my mum, my sister and I took my niece to the pantomime in York for the first time last year and she loved it so we're hoping to now make a bit of a tradition of it. I can't wait to go back!
Christmas parties - any excuse to put a sparkly frock on. I feel Christmas is the only time you can really get away with a sparkly frock without looking out of place.
The colour palette - I am all about dark reds and greens. And deep purples. And mustard. And black. Which I wear all year but no one can chastise you for it in Autumn/Winter!

What are your favourite things about Autumn and Winter?

So basically this post is just to say, hello Autumn, I have missed you and I'm looking forward to all the fun to come!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, when it comes to Christmas there is pretty much no need to explain! I really hate winter -.- I don't like the cold or the snow, I am all for the heat! And yet, my favourite season is still Autumn! It's just so beautiful then and I love this transitional period. I would say my second favourite is summer because I am someone who lives for the heat <3
