Sunday 19 January 2014

Tag: About me.

Whenever I stumble across a new blog or YouTube channel, I always want to know more about the person (I = nosey),  so I thought I'd do an 'About Me' tag, I stole this one of Zoella, it's about 5 years old and since she is pretty much the most loved/popular blogger and YouTuber ever, I figured it was fair game for me steal it. I hope that's ok in terms of blog etiquette?? If anyone anywhere ever reads this other than me (doubtful...), I also tag you.

(At this point, I have to say how much this reminds me of being 15 on MySpace and sending a 'quiz' bulletin out).

Vital Statistics:
Me: Charlotte/Charlie (not spelt 'ey' like this blog, omg!)
Nicknames: Pip, C-Bot, Charlsworth
Birthday: 28th May 1989
Place of Birth: Yorkshire aka Gods County
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Male or Female: Female
Occupation: I work in an office, doing officey type things
Residence: Again, Yorkshire aka Gods County
Screen Name: charleyeliza, sometimes charleypip

Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Length: Long
Eye colour: Green
Best Feature: Oh God, no idea, at all. My eye colour is quite good.
Height: 5ft 4"
Braces?: Been there, done that girlfriend! Not as bad as I expected to be honest!
Glasses?: No, I have 20/20 eyesight, oh yeeeah
Piercing: None :o
Tattoos: None
Righty or Lefty: Righty

Your 'Firsts':
First best friend: Well, my first proper living in each others pocket best friend was Kim. 
First Award: Something like 'Most Improved Player' in year 8 for Netball haha.
First Sport You Joined: I did dancing when I was little (what a laugh, I am crap), but in school I played on the Netball team
First Real Vacation: Majorca
First Concert: SPICE GIRLS
First Love: I was totally, 100% in love with a boy called Daniel at my primary school

Movie: So, so many. I love the Lord of the Rings trilogy. 
TV Show: Again, so many. Probably Breaking Bad, but thats recent. Two long term loves are One Tree Hill and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Colours: Green and purple
Song: 'Rite of Spring' by Angels and Airwaves but that is up there with so many others!
Candy: If by this you mean chocolate Mr American 'About Me' tag, then my answer is Ferrero Rocher
Restaurant: I like so many local restaurants but chain wise, Pizza Express and Cote
Store: Probably H&M, you can get such a variety of styles in there
School: I actually don't have a favourite school, weird huh? 
Magazine: I don't really read magazines ever, and when I do it's only because they've got a good freebie
Shoes: Probably black boots, I'm always on the search for a perfect pair, sigh.

Feeling: I've got that feeling of not wanting something to happen because I am booked into a body combat class at the gym shortly.
Single or Taken: Taken
Eating: Nadda
Typing: This, obv
Online: Yes, it's 2014, I'm always online, it's called wifi!
Listening To: Nothing
Thinking About: The gym
Wanting: To do something exciting soon!
Watching: Nothing
Wearing: PJs

Want Children?: Yes
Want to be Married: Yes but not too fussed
Careers in Mind: Oh God, go away depressing question
Where do you want to live?: I'm happy where I am but if I ever win the lottery, I'm buying houses all over the shop!

Have you ever:
Kissed a Stranger: No, I've actually known everyone I've kissed
Had Alcohol: Yes
Smoked: Yes, but I've never been 'a smoker'
Ran Away From Home: No
Broken a bone: No
Got an X-ray: Yes, I had a piece of glass stuck in my hand!
Broken Someone's Heart: He may have thought it was broken at the time (we were young) but I'm sure now in hindsight he was fine
Broke Up With Someone: Yes
Cried When Someone Died: Yes
Cried At School: Yes

Do You Believe In:
God: No
Miracles: No
Love At First sight: Sort of
Ghosts: Sort of
Aliens: Surely theres something else somewhere? But they're probably not green and slimey.
Soul Mates: Kind of, but I don't think there's only one person for everyone
Heaven: Its a nice idea but sadly, it's probably not real :(
Hell: No
Kissing on The First Date: Why not?
Yourself: To me, this is a silly question. Yes, I do.

Until next time :)

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