Saturday 18 January 2014

Number one.

So, I have been toying with the idea of setting up a blog for such a long time now that since it is a new year (albeit quite far into the new year, maybe I should have done this on 1st Jan?) I thought I would finally bite the bullet and plunge into the world of blogging.

I have actually had this blog since 2009, so the thought has been there for five whole years now! I have tentatively written a few posts in the past and then deleted them, not really knowing where I would fit in the blogosphhere. 

Now, I've decided that it doesn't matter too much what I blog about. I love reading blogs with a dedicated theme but I'm just not crafty enough, beauty obsessed enough, fashionable enough or, to be honest, anything enough to have a blog with a theme set in stone. So rather, this is going to be a bit of everything! I plan to write mainly about the things that interest me, the things that I love, the things that I have bought (I am a sucker for a good haul), the things I wear, the places I have been and anything else that tickles my fancy. So I suppose you could call that a 'lifestyle blog', but that has connotations of a perfect life that would look at home on a Pintrest board. Please don't be fooled by that loose label - my life is about as far away from the perfect lifestyles that are often depicted in lifestyle blogs as possible!

I mainly just want to write about what I want to, so I can refer back in the future (whether that be next week, in 3 months or 5 years) and see what I've done. I'm hitting 25 this year (omg) and I really feel like time is flying by with me having no real memory or concept of what is happening, and how fast it is happening! Hopefully this blog will let me take a breath and consciously remember and enjoy these things.

I have thought of a few features that I will run regularly, these are:

- 'That thing that I love...' - This will be a post dedicated to one thing (maybe a person, a TV show, a book, a place etc) that I really love. In "real life", I don't often talk passionately about anything anymore. Not for any particular reason, just that its a bit strange to go off on one about how much you truly madly deeply love the 'Goodnight Mr Tom' book. But here, I can do whatever the hell I want! I can quite passionate about things that I really honestly love so I am looking forward to being about to write these posts! 

- 'My weekend in pictures...' - The title says it all really.

- 'Journeys far and wide...' - Now, I don't go away very often (I have a major fear of flying) but when I do, I will be documenting the best bits on here. In 2013 I went to Paris and Brugge and absolutely adored them both, so I will be definitely doing some retrospective posts under this feature.

- '5 reasons...' - This one is a bit abstract. It could be 5 reasons I love something, 5 reasons I hate something, 5 reasons to go somewhere. The possibilities are endless (kind of).

And generally, I will be featuring posts of the below nature:

- 'Time spent well...' - This will just be me telling the internet what I have got up to on that day. Thrilling, I know.

- Outfit of the Day/Outfit of the Night and Face of the Day/Face of the Night - Pretty standard blogging stuff. Although I will put it out there now, I am in no way a beauty or fashion expert, but I like to document outfits and make up looks that I particularly enjoy so I can remember them in the future and recreate them. I am terrible at making on the spot outfit choices so I am hoping this will provide me with a comprehensive 'look book' of outfits I can choose from when I'm in a rush to go out, or at a loss when looking into my ridiculously stuffed wardrobe (this happens all.the.time).

- Hauls - These will be mainly fashion (and a bit of beauty for good measure). 

I want to aim for one post a week. Hopefully this will increase as I get used to a routine and think of more things to write about.

Until next time :)

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