Monday 8 September 2014

The Cat Collection - #2

Welcome to the second instalment of my Cat Collection. 

This is the bag that I referred to in my post about Tuscany, which you can read here. As I said in that post, I bought this little dude from a leather market in Florence. It was love at first sight. I literally ran down the winding path to the stall and bought it immediately. Only after did I realise I could have haggled for it. But I just wanted it so much I didn't care and paid the full €18 for it. The guy who ran the stall probably thought I was a total market noob!

I have since seen a couple of 'cat face' bags in high street stores like this one from H&M. Although it's out of stock on their website, I'm sure it's still in some stores so go have a look if you like this one :) As well as the high street, I'm sure eBay has a lot too offer in the shape of cat bags so check that out too!

Until next time :)


  1. If your cat collection is anything like my owl one, I can be sure you have a lot of things based around it xD I hope you like them all! This cat face bag is sweet ;)

    Check out my review and giveaway:

    1. Thanks Olivia :) - it's always fun to have something to collect!

      Charlie x
