Monday 1 September 2014

The Cat Collection - #1

There's something you should know.... I am obsessed with cats. 

So far, I haven't let my obsession spill onto this blog. However, the time has come to slowly introduce this aspect of my life to the internet (although, having said that, it's all over my Facebook and Instagram). I have quite a few items of clothing, and accessories either in the shape of cats, or with cats on them so I thought that I would make a feature of them :)

Recently I ordered these shoes off eBay. Now, I know they are extreeeemly similar to a certain pair of designer shoes, which sadly I cannot afford. I don't like to think of these as "knock offs" (as they are not claiming to be the designer version), I would use the more conscious/pocket friendly term "dupe". 

Anyway, I bloody love these shoes and cannot wait to wear them! They are quite snug but I think that as I wear them more, they will get bigger. Also, from an initial feel and wear, they seem relatively good quality. I mean I doubt they'll last for years to come, but for the price, you can't complain. 

If you, like me, feel there is a cat shoe shaped hole in your life, you can buy these from this seller. This isn't the seller I bought mine from (they have disappeared off eBay - always ominous) but the link above is to a listing that is exactly the same! You may be able to find some from a UK seller, but may have to pay more. They did take quite some time to arrive from China, but I wasn't in any particular rush for them so it didn't matter to me.

Until next time :)

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