Monday 25 August 2014

A super easy up-do!

You know when your alarm goes off on a morning and you hit snooze so many times you end up cutting it a little bit too fine and wind up rushing out of the door having had no breakfast, with toothpaste down your top and your hair scragged up in a bun??? Well I certainly do. I am a sucker for the snooze button and at varying points between the time my alarm wakes me up and the time I actually get up I have internal battles with what I can skip in my morning routine that will mean me having more time to snooze. Often the first thing to go out the window is breakfast, then it's a cup of tea (I can have both at work), then I think 'Well I won't do any eye shadow, I'll just put mascara on' and then finally, 'Aaah I'll just scrag my hair up in a bun and forget about it all day'. Safe to say, I often end up sat at my desk at 9am looking far less glamorous than I would like (I should point out - by no means do I have a glamorous job!) shovelling down a cereal bar and banana in record time.

This happened to me last week, and I went a biiit further than normal so when I finally dragged myself out of bed I realised I only had about twenty minutes to get ready. I can usually get myself in a decent state in thirty minutes but twenty minutes really required me to work some magic. In a fit of panic, when all I could find in my make up bag (staying at my boyfriends grr) was a tonne of curby grips and some teeny tiny elastic ties I had to get creative and surprised myself by creating a rather nice braided up do for the day!

Now, I'm in no way claiming I have "invented" this hair style. But as I normally scour YouTube for hair inspiration any time I'm doing anything other than a messy bun, this was quite an achievement! The whole thing took me about 5 minutes (max), and can be done in three easy steps:

1. Separate your hair into two sections down your parting, dutch braid both sides keeping the braid as close to your scalp as possible. If you are unsure as to what a dutch braid is, please see here (and there are plenty of YouTube tutorials as well). Tie the braids with mini elastics.

2. Twist the two 'pigtail' sections of the braids around the back of your head in an S shape. I suggest doing one first and then doing the other to fill in the gaps. Pin with bobby pins as you go along making sure the ends of the braids, and the elastics are hidden.

3. Once everything is secure, go over the top of your braids, gently pulling at them to give a fuller look and to make the braids less neat. Pull out any strands you want (this is always good to add to the messy/no effort look) and finally when you are happy with the look - hairspray!

What are your favourite quick and easy do's to do when you are in a rush?

Until next time :)

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