Monday 9 June 2014

I love an Urban Outfitters sale (plus a discount code!)

I just wanted to share this with the interweb because I bloody love OU but sadly I hardly ever buy anything from there because it is so darned expensive! I've been eyeing the gingham dress up for an age and I was watching Faye from FayesFix yesterday (Sunday is a great day for lazing around and watching YouTube, isn't it?) and she featured this dress in her haul, which just trigged all my memories and the feelings came rushing back. Then she said it was in the sale and I was immediately on the OU website ordering it. Then I thought, 'ooh I'll just have a little peruse and see what other delights are on offer' and I saw the daisy print dress. I'm not sure how it'll be on, but I thought it might be quite good for work in the colder months. I sometimes struggle with work wear because I want to look smart but I also don't want to look like every other person in the office, or older than my years. Which is the effect more traditional work wear can have on me (granted this is partly due to the fact I look about 12). But I thought this was a respectable length but still quite young and fun (and at £20, you can't really complain).  

Also, UO currently have a discount code floating around the internet for £10 when you spend £60 (the code is LETSFEST if you're interested). These two dresses didn't quite make it up to £60 (in fact the order was bang on £50) so I decided to see what else I could find to bump my order up to £60 so I could get the £10 off. Basically I was looking for anything that I quite liked for £10 so I could feel like I got it for free, which is always great. I ended up getting this phone case, which I really enjoy. It got the price up to £62 so I got my £10 and only actually spent £52. Yay! I mean for OU that is pretty good. The full price value of the two dresses was £97, so I got them for almost half price.

What are your favourite OU picks at the moment?

Until next time :)

1 comment:

  1. i havent bought anything from uo in a whie as it find it quite expensive but im so glad theyre having a sale! id love it if youd comment back xx
