Monday 15 June 2015

Clean and Lean Diet - Week Two

Now I'm two weeks into eating clean and so far so good! It's actually become a lot easier this week and I've noticed that I'm not getting as hungry, I'm waking up earlier and I have more energy throughout the day. All of which get a big thumbs up from me! 

I also feel like I'm starting to look like I'm losing weight which is great. It's not necessarily enough for anyone but me to notice but it's a start! I weighed myself on Saturday morning and I've lost about 7lbs since I started this, which I'm actually really impressed with. When I've lost weight before it's been through serious calorie control which is difficult to stick to and often leads to eating foods that aren't good for you and don't keep you full but because they're 'low calorie' or 'low fat' they allow you to stick within you calorie allowance. I am so happy that this isn't the case with Clean and Lean as it doesn't make you feel restricted. You can have anything, you just need to plan ahead. Also, there's basically a clean version of any recipe somewhere online so nothing is out of the question which is so good, I'm a sucker for wanting what I can't have to restrictive diets like that aren't good for me. When I have calorie counted previously I've done ok, but I've never had as much success as 7lbs in two weeks. I expect that in the next week or so it'll become harder to move the weight but for the first two weeks looking at the numbers on the scales is enough to keep me going!

I'm a bit apprehensive about next week though... I have three nights out planned and I'm not sure how the clean eating will stand up. On Tuesday I'm going out for dinner with the girls I play netball with. We're going to an all you can eat world cuisine buffet (not my cup of tea - I suggested Pizza Express but got denied!) Obviously there will be options for me, like salad and veggies, which is more than fine but I'm loathe to pay the full price and then just sit nibbling lettuce all night. Anyway, I'm hoping there'll be some good choices and that I don't lose my willpower in the face of all you can eat Mac n Cheese.

Then on Friday I've got a family 'do' at my parents and on Sunday it's Fathers Day here in the UK so we're having a BBQ. The BBQ I'm not too worried about as it's at our house so I'm going to whip up some clean food. I'm thinking veggie skewers, homemade turkey burgers and maybe some chilli prawn skewers too. I'm also hoping to make these brownies if I can get to a health food store to get the ingredients prior to then! But the alcohol will be flowing and I'm a sucker for a glass of red wine....

I'll let you know how it goes at the end of week three!

Until next time :)

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