Friday 7 November 2014

Happy (belated) Halloween - Sugar Skull

As I mentioned in my previous post, I went to a halloween party at the weekend. I'm not usually halloween-y person. I don't really get excited about it (I'm all about Bonfire Night) and I don't particuarly enjoy the thought of having to answer the door to thousands of children and then give them free chocolate (bah humbug, I know!) but this year I definitley was excited. Although it wasn't so much halloween that excited me, more the fact that someone I knew was throwing an actual party, that people were actually going to make an effort to dress up for! I love a bit of fancy dress and, although it did get boring at uni, I've had a good few years off and I was ready for it. Plus, the party wasn't just any old halloween party, it was Nicks brothers 30th birthday so it was planned well in advance which meant I could really think about what I wanted to go as. When I've dressed up for halloween before, it's always been last minute and my effort has always been pretty crap to be honest. This time though, I was on it! I toyed with many an idea, but finally settled on a candy / sugar skull (or calavera as I've learnt they're actually called).

I watched at a lot (and I mean, a lot) of tutorials on YouTube as well as scouring Pintrest and I think all in all, my effort turned out pretty well! I've never done full on face paint before but it was actually surprisingly easy to do. The main tutorial I used for inspiration was this one, although I did change the pattern more to my taste.

In case anyone is thinking of recreating the look I used the following products:
Smiffys white face paint
Black gel eyeliner
Red lipstick
Crafting gems (stuck on with eyelash glue)
Floral crown from eBay (exact one here)
Miss Selfridge crop top (exact one here)
Mesh midi skirt (exact one here)
Temporary tattoos (exact ones here and here)

I applied the face paint with a cheap make up sponge (I bought a multi pack from poundland) and applied the more intricate design with make up brushes.

(Me and my date for the evening - Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead)

(Another skull!)

(Me and one of my best chums who was a great Elphaba!)

Until next time :)

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